Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tip of the Day Tuesday

Tip of the Day:

I really can't stress enough how important it is to educate yourself on labor and birthing. It is so unfortunate to hear stories of women who were told one thing by their doctor and just believed them without a second opinion or researching it for themselves, or even asking the doctor why they are suggesting certain measures to be taken. Most of the time, these women were given unnecessary interventions and, in turn, less than desirable birth memories. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT anti doctor. AT ALL! I do, however, think there are doctors out there that are looking for a way to bring a baby into the world, in whatever way is most convenient for them, not the mom. As smart as doctors are, your body knows you better and knows what it needs to do to birth your baby. Try to not let the intimidation factor keep you from asking your doctor or midwife, questions that you really want and need to know. This time in your life is all about you and your baby and you DESERVE to have complete peace of mind about it. Here are some helpful questions to ask if you always seem to draw a blank at your appointments.
*What their Cesarean rate is
*Their views on fetal monitoring
*How they feel about catching the baby from different laboring positions (ie: squatting, standing, dangling, etc)
*How long do they let you labor before they think you are failing to progress
These are just a few. If anyone has others that they can think of, please feel free to leave your tips in the comments!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Go be frutiful and multiply!
Doula Tiffany

1 comment:

  1. I really love that you're doing this! I'm so proud of you, friend!

