Monday, March 8, 2010

Benefits of Choosing a Natural Birth

What are the benefits of natural birth?

There are many benefits of natural birth for mother and baby, including a lower rate of cesarean birth and a faster recovery. Natural birth allows women to move freely and choose any position for labor and birth.
Natural birth can take place in a hands and knees position, standing, squatting or in a tub of water. Laboring without medication makes the birth process easier on the baby, which is reflected by healthier ranges of the baby's heart tones and less fetal distress. There are also fewer episiotomies when women are giving birth without medication. Natural birth costs much less and provides better results than medicated birth, surgical procedures and recovery room time.

I'm sold! :)

Many times I just assume that pregnant women have educated themselves and already know the information and benefits of natural childbirth. However, I am finding out more and more that this is not the case. Alot of women only go off of what they have been told by family or friends or tv/movies, which would scare me too, if I didn't know any better. I attended a Child Birth Education class with a couple that didn't really understand the whole process, but were just ruled by the fear of pain. Our instructor handled the situation quite nicely and explained to them the process and how beautiful and amazing that process is, because it's how God designed our bodies to work. They were completely amazed when she finished explaining it to them. The best part.....she did still acknowledge that there would be painful moments, but they didn't seem to be ruled by that fear anymore. Beautiful!

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