Tuesday, March 30, 2010

No Tip Today

In trying to keep up with my "tips" each week, I started to feel like it was becoming more of a chore instead of a passion. Don't get me wrong, I want to be available for tips and questions, but I just started to draw blanks when trying to come up with a topic. And for goodness sake, I do NOT want anything I do on here to be done half way or without heart. So, we are not having a tip today. Just an honest outpouring of thoughts and feelings on my journey, thus far. I, certainly, did not think 3 months ago, that I would ever be as close as I am now, to being near the end of the certification process or so near to the births of a few of my dearest friends children. WOW! One of them today messaged me shock and anticipation that she is now in her third trimester! How exciting! I can't wait to be with them as they are bringing little tiny humans into the world. It still amazes me, no matter how much I read, or how many birthing videos I watch. IT'S AMAZING! I honestly wish I had more coming up, because I think I'm going to love it so much, I'm not going to want to wait around too long for another one. Actually, I wish I could doula for someone today! HA
There is just something about the process of carrying and birthing a child that makes people just stop and kinda go "whoa". In fact, yesterday I was talking to one of my best friends about all of it. Let me preface this by giving you some of her background. She is amazing. She has lived and worked in Barcelona, London, and currently New York at a big time bank. She is currently trying to decide WHICH Ivy League school to go to for her MBA (WHAT?!). She has traveled the world, including Thailand, Egypt (she floated the Nile), etc. She is an adventure seeker who sky dives among many other things. YET, when I was talking about being a Doula, she reacted with a sound of awe in her voice and said "whooooaaa that's awesome." That furthered my belief that God put something in each of us that makes us recognize what an awesome and intricate thing he has created! It blows my mind really!
Sometimes I wonder if people will take me seriously because I don't have children of my own yet. I hope they do. I have read several blogs of other doulas who got into it because of their own birth experience, whether good or bad. I love those stories, because it seems like they can pinpoint the defining moment that they realized what they wanted to do. Since I have never experienced labor personally, I don't have that kind of a story. My story is a little longer and seems as if several events over my life have brought me to this point. God created in me a sense of compassion and nurturing. That's where my story starts. And from there, people that have come into my life have inspired me even further. So again, I hope the "no child Doula" will have credibility!
Maybe I was just feeling extra sappy today, but these are just some things have been going through my mind lately, so I thought maybe they needed to be shared! I look forward to any comments, whether I know you or not!
Be fruitful and multiply!
Doula Tiffany

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tip of the Day Tuesday-On Wednesday

Yesterday was such a crazy day, that before I knew it I was getting ready for bed, and realized I hadn't blogged!! So we'll just call this a "Special Edition" :)

This weeks tip is all about taking care of your body while you are pregnant! Nutrition and Fitness! Far too often, we think of pregnancy as an excuse to slack off a little bit, as far as our body is concerned. It's just easier to eat whatever you want and maybe skip your daily exercise regimen, because no one will say you've let yourself go if your pregnant. Well this could be doing more harm than good. Statistics show that maintaining a healthy diet and espeically exercise, during your pregnancy can lead to a shorter labor. And you certainly feel much better during labor if you are in good shape. Below are some of the studies that have been done regarding the link between a healthy pregnancy and easier labors!




Friday, March 19, 2010

Moms at Risk

New Moms at Risk - ABC News
Why are a growing number of American moms dying shortly after giving birth?

This is not meant to scare anyone, just to inform you.
I hope that women start to understand the risks that come with unneccesary interventions. This is just too sad.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tip of the Day Tuesday-What to do with a Posterior Cervix

Has your doctor/midwife told you that you have a posterior cervix? Or have they asked you to ball up both fists and put them under your back while they check you? Then you might have a posterior cervix (especially if you said yes to the first question :) )

Not to worry! There are exercises to do to help aid in turning it the right way. This will really only work if you already have a little baby belly! The exercise is called abdominal lifting. Pretty self explanatory huh?! If you will spend 10-15 minutes a day before you go into labor, it will begin to help your cervix turn. If you begin the exercise when you go into labor, it will be more beneficial.

What to do daily:
Lock your hands together under your belly right above the pubic bone. lift your belly until you can feel the relief of pressure. This will slowly help your cervix rotate into the correct positioning.
What to do in labor:
At the beginning of each contraction, lock your fingers together right above the pubic bone. You should feel quite a bit of pressure and stress taken off of your back and belly. If you hold it until the contraction is over, you will have given your cervix enough time to get into the correct position, and your baby enough time to move into a position that holds your cervix in place! If you do this for several contractions, it should work like a charm!
If you find that your contractions are too intense to do this yourself, you can have your partner or Doula stand behind you with a rebozo and do the lifting for you, while you concentrate on moving your baby down!
Anyone else have tips they'd like to share, or tips they'd like answers to? Let me know and I'll be happy to help!
Be fruitful and multiply!
Doula Tiffany

Monday, March 15, 2010

Workshop Complete

This weekend was exhausting. The good kind of exhausting. I completed the DONA workshop for Doula certification. It was the last thing on my list, other than 3 births, before becoming Tiffany Fleming CD(DONA)! Woohoo! I did get certification as Tiffany Fleming, LSP, so that's good. I didn't leave empty handed.
So if you are pregnant, and just happen to stumble onto my blog, and would like a Doula, PLEASE let me know! I would love to help give you the opportunity to have a Doula.
I will spend a little more time later talking more about the workshop, things I learned, and where I'm going with it! Have a happy Monday evening!
Be fruitful and multiply,
Doula Tiffany

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Good Saturday morning. As I sit here typing this blog, Jack Johnson's "Banana Pancakes" is playing on my computer. I think the lyrics say something about a ukelele and then, "Momma made a baby." I love that line. I am Tiff's older sister and two months post home delivery. I had such a great experience with my home birth and am now an advocate for home or birthing centers. Upon my decision to deliver at home I received a lot of "whatchu talkin' bout Willis" looks, and "are you completely whack?" comments and I embraced all with open arms and a definitive YES! Our precious Lauryl has been such a blessing and the first few months of life have been so different from what I experienced with my previous two births. I had my first two kids in the hospital, both with traditional methods. This time around I decided to educate myself a little better and make the decision based on my findings. The more I studied, the more I realized that home birth was the choice for me. I loved the fact that I was not rushed to deliver, but instead allowed to let my body take its "natural time.' Now don't get me wrong, about halfway through I was ready for that 'natural time' to speed up a little but it was all good in the end. Anyway, God created a woman's body to do amazing things and I knew that it was the strength he gave me that would allow me to do that. I am so thankful for someone sharing the option of home birth with me and so thankful for people like Tiff who are dedicated to making natural birth doulable:) Have a great day! Peace Out

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tip of the Day Tuesday

Tip of the Day:

I really can't stress enough how important it is to educate yourself on labor and birthing. It is so unfortunate to hear stories of women who were told one thing by their doctor and just believed them without a second opinion or researching it for themselves, or even asking the doctor why they are suggesting certain measures to be taken. Most of the time, these women were given unnecessary interventions and, in turn, less than desirable birth memories. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT anti doctor. AT ALL! I do, however, think there are doctors out there that are looking for a way to bring a baby into the world, in whatever way is most convenient for them, not the mom. As smart as doctors are, your body knows you better and knows what it needs to do to birth your baby. Try to not let the intimidation factor keep you from asking your doctor or midwife, questions that you really want and need to know. This time in your life is all about you and your baby and you DESERVE to have complete peace of mind about it. Here are some helpful questions to ask if you always seem to draw a blank at your appointments.
*What their Cesarean rate is
*Their views on fetal monitoring
*How they feel about catching the baby from different laboring positions (ie: squatting, standing, dangling, etc)
*How long do they let you labor before they think you are failing to progress
These are just a few. If anyone has others that they can think of, please feel free to leave your tips in the comments!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Go be frutiful and multiply!
Doula Tiffany

Monday, March 8, 2010

Benefits of Choosing a Natural Birth

What are the benefits of natural birth?

There are many benefits of natural birth for mother and baby, including a lower rate of cesarean birth and a faster recovery. Natural birth allows women to move freely and choose any position for labor and birth.
Natural birth can take place in a hands and knees position, standing, squatting or in a tub of water. Laboring without medication makes the birth process easier on the baby, which is reflected by healthier ranges of the baby's heart tones and less fetal distress. There are also fewer episiotomies when women are giving birth without medication. Natural birth costs much less and provides better results than medicated birth, surgical procedures and recovery room time.

I'm sold! :)

Many times I just assume that pregnant women have educated themselves and already know the information and benefits of natural childbirth. However, I am finding out more and more that this is not the case. Alot of women only go off of what they have been told by family or friends or tv/movies, which would scare me too, if I didn't know any better. I attended a Child Birth Education class with a couple that didn't really understand the whole process, but were just ruled by the fear of pain. Our instructor handled the situation quite nicely and explained to them the process and how beautiful and amazing that process is, because it's how God designed our bodies to work. They were completely amazed when she finished explaining it to them. The best part.....she did still acknowledge that there would be painful moments, but they didn't seem to be ruled by that fear anymore. Beautiful!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Credits Completed!

As of last night I have complete all of my Childbirth Education hours. I am one step closer to being a CERTIFIED Doula!!
Honestly though, I may choose to go to more of these classes for fun and extra knowledge. In my opinion, you can never know TOO much. I want to be able to recite birth knowledge in my sleep. Well maybe not my sleep, but you get the picture.
I have learned so much from these classes. Last nights class REALLY was super helpful. It was the comfort measures class and focused on different way to keep mommy comfortable and happy while laboring. I even got to practice with a girl who's hubby couldn't make it to class. What awesome hands on experience! I feel like i'm getting smarter, better and more confident every day! Hallelujah!!
Be fruitful and multiply,
Doula Tiffany

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tip of the Day Tuesday

In an effort to have interesting and clever posts, I am going to try having some alliteration in my titles...we'll see how it goes!

Tuesdays Tip of the Day: Helping with back pain
This one has been on my mind since a girl I went to college with wrote on her blog that she was experiencing alot of back pain with her pregnancy. Several people wrote comments that they had the same thing. Sooo, this is the tip I gave her and will hopefully be useful to all of you tired backed mommies!

*Hip Squeeze
This can either be done by rebozo or your partner.
If it's done by your partner, simply get on all fours and have your partner squeeze with a lot of pressure on your hips to relieve the pressure from your back. This can be done by hand, but if you need it for an extended period of time, they may want to do it with their knees.
If it's done with rebozo, mom will sit with rebozo (or shawl) around your hips. Your partner will pull on the rebozo, squeezing the hips together. This counter-pressure may relieve the back pain by releasing pressure on the ligaments in the pelvis.
*Knee Press
Mom will sit in a chair that is braced against a table or a wall so it won't slide. Sit up straight, with hips against the back of the chair. Your partner will kneel, cupping their hands over moms knee caps. Have them lock elbows into your body while leaning forward into moms knees. The partners weight presses the long thigh bones into the hip joint to relieve pain in moms back.

I hope these tips are helpful and would love to get feedback on what works for you!
Go be fruitful and multiply!
Happy Tuesday,
Doula Tiffany